MC artist/speaker Sammy Adebiyi has some great thoughts to share today. Read to the end of the post to see how you can win a free Mocha Club t-shirt, too!!

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If ‘you had me at hello’ and ‘so you’re telling me there’s a chance’ were the most famous movie quotes of the 90′s then this has to be tops in the last 10 years.

With great power… [Finish it with me… I know you know it] comes great responsibility.

With great power comes great responsibility. 

I think what makes that quote so quotable is that it not only challenges love struck super heros but its such a powerful challenge for you and I.

I know, I know, you’ve not been bitten by a mutated spider and you can’t scale sky scrappers in spandex.

You don’t even have a cool nick name and the only slime you’ve brought to justice was in a dirty diaper .

You’re just average ‘middle-class-McDonalds-eating’ Joe.

I get it. I really do. You’re no hero. And neither am I.


But what if I told you that you have more ‘power’ than you know? 

What if I told you that you literally have more potential than most of the world? 


I know it sounds crazy but its true.

If you’re reading this right now from your home, you have more resources and ‘power’ than a vast majority of the world.

In fact only 4% of the world can read this from their personal computer.

4%. That’s unbelievable!

I could stat you to death but i know you’ve heard it all so I’ll just stick to the one. 4%. You’re in the top 4% of 6 billion people. How unbelievable is that? Seriously! That’s mind blowing.

The only thing that is more astounding is the opportunity that stat affords you. I know this is gonna sound nuts but I promise you its true.

Because you’re in the top percentile of the world…

Because you have such great ‘power’, you can, get this….

Change the lives of 60 people for the price of 2 Big Macs. 

I’ll say it again, for the price of 2 big macs, you can literally change the lives of 60 Africans.

Shut the front door.

Get out of town!

Say it ain’t so Sammy.

It is so.

$7 will give clean water to 5 Africans [who would die without that water] for an entire year. 

That’s unbelievable.

You know when I was seven, I desperately wanted to change the world but I thought I had to be a superhero to make a difference because the worlds problems were so big.

Fast forward 23 years and I’m not a superhero [unfortunately] and the worlds problems are still really ‘big- but I’m happy to say, I am making a difference. I am changing the world. 2 big macs at a time.

Will you please consider joining my team of average joe’s changing the world?

I’d be honored to partner with you.

I really do hope you choose to partner with us in pressing into the darkest parts of the world because…

With great power comes great responsibility! 

So what do you guys think about being in the top 4% of the world? Why do you think we do very little with so much power? Let’s talk friends.

What stood out to you the most in this post? Also, on a lighter note, who is your favorite superhero? 

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Sammy is a crazy Nigerian, Young Adult Pastor, Mocha Club Speaker and Blogger. You can read his blog here or connect with him on twitter or face-book. You can also partner with him in his efforts to make a difference by joining his team here.

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And YOU have the chance to win a free Mocha Club t-shirt just for reading along today. You have 3 chances to enter to win (and you can do all 3!) — leave a comment, share this post on facebook (tagging Mocha Club and Sammy), or retweet this post (mention @mochaclub and @sammyadebiyi) and you’ll be entered to win a free t-shirt. We’ll pick a winner on Friday.