by Lauryn Grace | May 27, 2009 | My Videos
Mocha Club member and volunteer, Annie, will be blogging from Capetown, South Africa on the Mocha Club trip that leaves on May 28th! This is our first official trip blogger so please help us spread the word and check back for updates! Here’s Annie’s first...
by Lauryn Grace | May 27, 2009 | My Videos
MC Supporters Katie Herzig [] and Andy Davis [] share about their partnership with Brite Revolution and how they have chosen to benefit Mocha Club through our partnership. Go to to start an account and help...
by Lauryn Grace | Apr 17, 2009 | My Videos
Our Mocha Club Artist Sponsor Dave Barnes visited some of our projects in Sudan in December, and we created this video to share his experience with you. Dave got to see firsthand what our MC members have been able to accomplish for these refugees in Sudan. Well let...
by Lauryn Grace | Feb 9, 2009 | My Videos
Just random photos of the kids. Took 25 minutes from start to finish including uploading it here on YouTube. Enjoy 😉
by Lauryn Grace | Feb 8, 2009 | My Videos
Mom and Dad made it over to celebrate Christmas in February.