by Lauryn Grace | Sep 1, 2010 | My Videos
Mocha Club is teaming up with Hawk Nelson’s for their fall tour …featuring Britt Nicole, Revive and John Reuben. check out for more info and tour dates…. and http for more info on how Hawk Nelson is partnering with us at Mocha...
by Lauryn Grace | Aug 30, 2010 | My Videos
Hawk Nelson shares a message to their Mocha Club members.
by Lauryn Grace | Jun 30, 2010 | My Videos
The women receive training at our Women at Risk facility in many different skill areas- including sewing. The old Singer machine never goes out of style. Your $7/month towards the Child Mothers + Women at Risk project allows us to continue to train and equip these...
by Lauryn Grace | Jun 18, 2010 | My Videos
by Lauryn Grace | Jun 17, 2010 | My Videos
Jenny Simmons from Addison Road shares with Mocha Club members how they can invite friends to their team and get the new Addison Road CD for free once 2 friends join.